Understanding Dysregulation: A Practical Guide to Support

3 min readSep 13, 2023


In the vast spectrum of human emotions and reactions, dysregulation stands out as a particularly challenging experience for many, especially those with certain neurodivergent conditions. But what exactly is dysregulation, and how can we support someone going through it?

What is Dysregulation?

Dysregulation refers to an inability to manage emotional responses to various stimuli. This can result in emotions that are out of proportion to the situation at hand. It's not just "being overly emotional"; it's a genuine struggle to maintain emotional equilibrium.

The Importance of Recognizing Dysregulation

Understanding and recognizing the signs of dysregulation is the first step in offering support. It's not about "fixing" the person or the situation but about being present, understanding, and offering a safe space.

Cue Cards for Supporting Someone Experiencing Dysregulation

Shutdown from Overstimulation

Shutdown from Overstimulation

Scenario: The individual becomes non-responsive or "shuts down" after a period of overstimulation or stress.

Appropriate Response:
1. Ensure they are in a safe and comfortable environment.
2. Offer a blanket or comforting item if available.
3. Speak softly and reassuringly, giving them space if needed.

Validation: "It's okay to take a moment for yourself. I'm here when you're ready."

Anxiety from Unexpected Changes

Anxiety from Unexpected Changes

Scenario: A planned event or routine changes unexpectedly, causing the individual to become anxious or upset.

Appropriate Response:
1. Provide a clear explanation of the change.
2. Offer a few minutes for them to process the information.
3. Suggest alternative plans or solutions.

Validation: "I understand how important routines are. Let's see how we can adjust to this change together."

Emotional Overwhelm from Personal Topics

Emotional Overwhelm from Personal Topics

Scenario: A conversation touches on a personal or sensitive topic, leading the individual to become emotional or withdrawn.

Appropriate Response:
1. Acknowledge their feelings without prying.
2. Offer a change of topic or a break from the conversation.
3. Provide a comforting presence without forcing them to talk.

Validation: "I can see this topic is difficult for you. We can talk about something else or take a break."

Frustration from Misunderstanding

Frustration from Misunderstanding

Scenario: The individual is struggling to communicate their thoughts or feelings and becomes visibly frustrated or upset.

Appropriate Response:
1. Give them time to express themselves without interrupting.
2. Ask clarifying questions gently.
3. Offer alternative methods of communication, like writing or drawing.

Validation: "I'm here to listen. Take your time, and we'll figure this out together."

General Tips

General Tips:
1. Always approach with calmness and patience.
2. Avoid raising your voice or making sudden movements.
3. Ask open-ended questions like "How can I support you right now?" or "What do you need?"
4. Remember that each individual is unique; what works for one person might not work for another

The Power of Validation

One of the most potent tools in your arsenal is validation. Simply acknowledging and validating someone's feelings can be incredibly healing. It's not about agreeing or disagreeing but about understanding.


Dysregulation can be challenging, both for the person experiencing it and those around them. However, with understanding, patience, and the right tools, we can offer support and make a difference. These cue cards serve as a starting point, but remember, every individual is unique. The key is to approach with empathy and an open heart.

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Written by Norgan

Neurodivergent author, philosopher, and IT consultant. Health enthusiast and father.

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